Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course in Mediumship, by Gordon Smith

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Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course in Mediumship, by Gordon Smith

Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course in Mediumship, by Gordon Smith

Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course in Mediumship, by Gordon Smith

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Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course in Mediumship, by Gordon Smith

During the many years he spent delivering messages of hope and love from the spirit world, Gordon Smith has observed how many people long to learn how to be more intuitive themselves, and would love to be able to connect to the other side in the same way he does. Gordon feels strongly that developing your intuitive gifts should be something that gives you joy, brings you clarity and makes you more contented in your life. Based on his experiences of teaching and guiding complete beginners on their paths to communicating with spirit, this book provides simple and easy-to-follow exercises that will help you sharpen your psychic senses, open yourself to receive communication from your spirit guides and interpret the telepathic language of spirit. Once you have learned the basics and gained confidence in your skills, Gordon then guides you to the next step of your journey, showing you how you can use this very special energy to help others.

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Product details

Paperback: 264 pages

Publisher: Hay House; 1st edition (November 1, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1401940528

ISBN-13: 978-1401940522

Product Dimensions:

5.3 x 0.7 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

68 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#137,969 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I am an Usui Reiki Master Healer. I have a great desire to improve my communication with Spirit, and felt the psychic mediumship would be another great healing modality to pursue. I started by reading literally stacks of books on the subject, in fact most of the titles here on Amazon, and a few that were recommended to me by a psychic medium friend of mine. What my journey has led me to discover, is that I have been reading the wrong books! It has been a very frustrating process plowing through volumes of information to get the "right" information. Book "A" says this is what is required, book "B" says something similar but different. I never had the feeling that any of the books were sending me down the right path to achieve my goal. They all seemed to point me in the general direction, but none of them got me on the road. Here I am, like little Luke Skywalker searching the galaxy for my "Yoda" to no avail. Well....I have found him! He wasn't in the Dagobah system, apparently he has been in a barber shop in Scotland! Yes, Gordon Smith is the psychic "Yoda" that all you prospective Psychic Mediums have been searching for, and probably like me, had yet to find. After reading Intuitive Studies as well as other of his works, and listening to his lectures available on Audible, the path has been made clear, and yes, as I suspected, it will take time, much more time and training than the other books would lead you to believe, but I am confident that following Gordon's teachings will finally enable me to achieve my goals. If you, like me have been searching for the right path, I would offer that if you read his books, and listen to his lectures, that you will come away with the same conclusion. A big "WOW!" moment of affirmation for me was the passage on the "Calling Card". When doing Reiki healings I always ask my guide for a sign of his/her presence, and the calling card is EXACTLY as Steven described, a tingling feeling on my face that feels like someone is lightly touching you as if tickling you with a feather. This is the first book that I've read that accurately described something that I've actually experienced! Buy it, you won't regret it!

I liked that he provided exercises we can do at home on our own but being in Northern California I don't think there are many people I can connect with for forming a circle group. I think I would have to start off very slow with just the first two exercises until I can get into one that would accept a newbie and that is as nurturing as Gordon.I will ask my guide to connect me eventually to a circle best suited for me but not until I have done the first two exercises for at least a year consistently .This book is great with step by step guide to becoming a good medium if your intentions are pure and to help others heal or if u have love and compassion, but not if u just want to show off.I am not sure why I'm interested, I think it's because of my own experiences that I want to learn more. As a kid I always felt fear of ghosts and my mom says its because I use to see them ... But after five yeas old I can't remember that far back. As a teen I seen apparitions twice. Felt them too. I've had only one premonition and it was small from a dream.My mother in law hasn't visited for months and when we would invite her every other weekend she would not feel up to it for whatever reason, she never said. Then one night I dreamt she called my husband and aske if she could come over for a swim and to just hang out. So I woke up thinking to myself that it wouldn't happen cus she's been making excuses every time we asked her to come for a swim or a barbique. I was going to tell my husband about the dream but forgot about it . I should have because not two hours after waking up that morning, she called him asking if she and her husband could come swim and hang out if he got off by 4pm. I then thought darn it I knew I should have told my husband, he would never believe me. It was odd that she called because she never wanted to come over. Anyway that happened last Saturday . Then I also have my seven year old son who sees orbs with his naked eyes. He looks away to see if they go away but they stay for a few seconds longer then disappear. When I first hurt my jaw and was very much in pain, lying on my bed , he pointed out that a purple orb was sitting on my left cheek. He doesn't see them daily though, just every few days or so. And he tries to point them out to me but I don't see anything. He sees orange ones, red ones, green ones and transparent large ones.He isn't afraid of them.I know I'm rambling but I have to say, all of this is very cool and interesting and I have been spiritual since I turned 19/20. I've read all kinds of books and this is the only one that gives clear step by step guidance on developing your skills. If anything, I would be content just learning to sit in silence and clear my mind for an hour, because I am a very busy stressed out person and it would help a lot

I enjoyed reading Gordon's book and what I liked about it was that Gordon starts at the basics, and builds up, and I also like that he has a way of making the student feel comfortable. Gordon stresses that the student should not be so focused on results, and I feel that this takes the pressure off and really helped me to relax and just enjoy the process.The only thing I would point out is that a large part of the book centers on the development circle and many of the exercises in the book are done with partners or in a development circle. If you don't have access to a circle, as I don't, then you will not benefit from some of these exercises. It would be nice to find a book that teaches more how to develop on your own. Gordon has his reasons, though, that the development circle is important, and talks about this in the book. It is still a very good book, one that I would suggest anyone interested in developing their mediumship skills should not do without.

this book was okay. i recommend "were two worlds meet" by janet nohavec. It's a more fluid read, and it gets to the point, and the exercises i find to be better. but no complaints on this book.

This book is not useful for individual studies, the exercises mainly are for circle groups, or a partner. The book is mainly about Gordon Smiths experiences in his groups throughout his development.

This is recommended reading for the newcomer to our mediumship development circle. Mr. Smith gives an honest and accurate description of what to expect during development. The exercises in the book may seem simplistic but are highly effective. They offer a solid foundation for future mediumship work.

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Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course in Mediumship, by Gordon Smith PDF

Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course in Mediumship, by Gordon Smith
